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FutureCulture is an "e-list," or "electronic mailing list." Like the "many-to-many" zines in the paper world, where individuals send a printed message that gets photocopied and sent to everyone who mails in messages, e-lists work on a similar principle. One joins the list by mailing a "subscribe" message to a "list-server" computer. Once signed on, the subscriber gets sent, to their electronic mailbox, the list's conversational traffic. Unmoderated lists are free-form, not filtered in any way, each message posted to it is automatically sent to each member on the list. These are sometimes called "realtime" lists. A "moderated" list means that a moderator screens the messages in some fashion. This can either be to simply gather up a day's or week's worth of messages before posting, or more often, the moderator culls redundant, irrelevant ("Please remove me from the list") messages, and other "junk" mail.

FutureCulture comes in several flavors: "realtime," "digest" (daily) and a massive, periodically updated, 3-part document on cyberculture called the "FutureCulture FAQ" (think of it as an ASCII equivalent to "Beyond Cyberpunk!"). Although the discussions and concerns of those on the FutureCulture list are similar to what one might find on The Well, MindVox, or other cybercultural islands in the net, the cool thing about FutureCulture is that it's free (to anyone with an Internet mailbox) and it's Internet-wide. On its better days, it feels like an electronic newspaper for the cyberculture, with cutting-edge news, views, essays, and resources. Don't subscribe to the realtime version unless you want to instantly clog your mailbox with stuff. I get the Digest, and even that can be intimidating at times.

(G. Branwyn)

[EDITOR'S NOTE: As we were going "to press," we heard that the FutureCulture list was no longer up and running. We also heard a rumor that someone else was getting it back together, but we haven't heard who. You might try sending e-mail to Andy Hawks (below), or just poke around c-space. The Future Culture FAQs should still be available on various FTP sites. -GB]


For more information, send e-mail containing the message:
"send info" to:

List Maintainer is: (andy [aka hawkeye])

Here is the TEXT POPUP for FutureCulture:

From: ahawks (perpetually living)
Subject: Returned Life: Purpose Unknown
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 93 10:34:49 MST

Here Fido, fetch - go long - yeah, real long - by the highway....


poor Fido, got run over on the Internet....

i just felt like sharing this....i hate fidonet.....

stupid thing, especially their postal actually have to follow-up to returned-mail vie e-mail to figure out what the problem is, it's like Deliverance on the net.....

it's not automatic for the people, like the rest of returned mail is,
you get the necessary info like that <snap>, but with fido you have to go to a buford shack out in the backwoods that has a bunch of rusty old cars out front, a dog missing a leg, 3 triplets named "Jeb" all missing some teeth, and grandma is sitting on the tattered couch in the front lawn peeing in her sleep.....uncle bob is sitting in the lawnchair trying to burp the national anthem and boasts "ya know, it
still means somethin to me. always get a tear in my eye", and then stands up and salutes the ripped-up flag that is protruding from the homemade chimney. and now it's 2:30 in the afternoon and Suzie pulls up riding the back of Junior's crappy bike, the loudest thing on
earth, with brown smoke making a breadcrumb trail, and she's obviously drunk and hasn't showered in at least 4 days, and she's waving her "Cat" hat around in the air and then falls off the bike, and for the first time you notice the Grafix bong sticker on the front of Junior's motorcycle helmet, and as he takes off the helmet he's grabbing Suzie's breasts like a robot. Uncle Bob looks over, burps, mutters "wench" out of the corner of his mouth, and reaches over his undershirt and the nasty protruding pale flesh of his stomach to switch the channel to a fishing show that he never messes "cuz those guys know fishin!!!". Junior and Suzie are laughing hysterically because life is beyond having no meaning for them, and they stomp off through the creaky half-assed screen door to a back bedroom in the "house".

the dog is busy carrying it's own shit in it's mouth down to the

that's the creek where "city folk go and don't come back". there's
blood on the smooth grey rock by the decaying oak tree.

and the whole thing smells heavily of methane, home brew, and dried bark, with just a pinch of stale urine.

cuz they know fishin!

haven't lived until your unfit overalls on one shoulder are filled with grease.


the irony.

fidonet sucks.

i think grandma just passed on, but we won't know for a couple daze.

[excerpt from FutureCulture FAQ (part 3)]


| Merchandise/Companies: |

Abbie Yo-Yo Inc.
PO Box 15
Worcester, MA 01613
-things related to Abbie Hoffman

Albert Hofmann Foundation
8683 West Pico Blvd. Mailbox #107
Los Angeles, CA 90035
310.281.8110 (voice mail)
-"an international library for the scientific study of psychedelic substances and human consciousness"

1732 Haight St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
800.292.6322 (800.BYAMEBA)
-Rave clothes and stuff

PO Box 861867 Terminal Annex
Los Angeles, CA 90086-1867
-hard to find/underground books - catalog is $9 (400 pages)

AquaThought Foundation
22321 Susana Ave.
Torrance, CA 90503
-Makers of the MindSet neuro-mapper.

Autodesk, Inc.
2320 Marinship Way
Sausalito, CA 94965
-Makers of Chaos software. $59.95

55 South 11th Street
NY, NY 11211
-edge/post-modern publishing company

Kevin Begos, Jr.
Apartment #4d
1411 York Ave
New York, NY 10021
-Agrippa: A Book of the Dead
($450 - $7,500)

Behind the Post Office
801 F Street
San Diego, CA 92101
-rave clothes and stuff

Berkeley Designs
2615 Shasta Rd
Berkeley, CA 94708
-sells t-shirts with fractal and cyberpunk designs (90's tie-dye's) send a SASE

Books by Phone
Box 522
Berkeley, CA 94701
800.858.2665 (orders)
510.548.2124 (info)
-large library of hard-to-find books related to CP, drugs, etc.
nice resource, but you pay a lot for it :-)

Chaos Computer Club,
Schwenckestr 85, D-2000
Hamburg 20, Germany

Church Of SubGenius
PO Box 140306
Dallas, TX 75214

The Computer Lab
Rt 4 Box 54C
Louisa, VA 23093
-the well-known 5.5 meg HyperCard stack Beyond CyberPunk, $35.00

2011 Crescent Dr.
PO Drawer 537
Alamogordo, NM 88310
500.434.0234 (fax - orders only)
-hacking/phreaking manuals

Criminal Research Products
206-218 East Hector Street
Conshocken, PA 19428
-investigative equipment and electronic surveillance items.

Cyberpunk Books
Prince St. Station
PO Box 96
NY, NY 10012
-write for a list

Dreammachine Plans (by Brion Gysin)
OV Press
PO Box 18223
Denver, CO 80218

EAR/Rational Music
1118 Castillo St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
805.893.8553 (fax)
-specializing in import music

Excalibur Enterprises
P.O. BOX 266
Emmans, PA 18049
-night vision devices - catalog costs $5

Flashback Books
906 Samuel Drive
Petaluma, CA 94952
-rare and out-of-print books, psychedelia

FringeWare Inc.
2507 Roehampton
Austin, TX 78745-6964
-sells "fringe" software, and other items

Further Connections
Waves Forest
PO Box 768
Monterey, CA 93940
-fringe science

PO Box 1288
Benton Harbor, MI 49022

1322 Haight St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
-rave clothes and stuff

Hyperdelic/TransMedia Foundation
-rave/psychedelic video

InHome Health Services
Box 3112
CH-2800 Delemont
-nootropics (smart drugs)

BCM Box 5890
London WC1N 3XX

Kodak Center for Creative Imaging
-classes in electronic imaging taught by experts on state of the art equipment

Timothy Leary
Box 69886
LA, CA 90069

Loompanics, Ltd.
PO Box 1197
Port Townsend, WA 98368
-carries a large collection of underground/hard-to-find books
-send for a catalog

MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies)
1801 Tippah Ave.
Charlotte, NC 28205.

Mark Ziesing Books
PO Box 76
Shingleton, CA 96088
-mail-order cp/sf book service -send $1 for a catalog

Media Magic
PO Box 507
Nicasio, CA 94946
-books, videos, merchandise related to vr, cyberspace

Mouser Electronics
11433 Woodside Avenue
Santee, CA 92071
-sells most electronic components parts and equipment

Myron Kreuger/Artificial Reality
55 Edith
Vernon, CT 06066
-custom vr

Nettwerk Records
Attn: Mail Order
1755 Robson St.
Box 330
Vancouver, British Columbia
-record company (industrial, hip hop)

NewTek, Inc.
215 SE 8th St.
Topeka, KS 66603
-makers of the Video Toaster -send 'em $4.95 for a demo tape of what the Video Toaster does

Nomadic Research Labs
PO Box 2185
El Segundo, CA 90245
-Steve Roberts, High-tech nomads

Nutrient Cafe Wholesale
PO Box 170156
San Francisco, CA 94117-0156
-high tech nutrient mixtures

...of the jungle
PO Box 1801
Sebastopol, CA 95473
-legal highs and such

Ono-Sendai Corporation
332 3rd Avenue,
San Francisco, CA 94118-2403
-information on _affordably_ VR systems.
-the people advertising in Mondo 2K, pg 7 (issue #7)

Paladin Press
PO Box 1307
Boulder, CO 80306
-obscure books

Re/Search Publications
70 Romolo Street #B
San Francisco, CA 94133
-underground/fringe subject matter magazine publications
-sex, cyberpunk, industrial and alternative lifestyles

SIGGRAPH (ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics)
212.869.7440 (membership info)
212.764.5537 (fax)(membership info)
312.644.66190 (conference info)
312.321.6976 (fax)conference info)

Silent Records
540 Alabama St. Suite 315
San Francisco, CA 94110
-industrial/import/experimental music

Skyline Books
PO Box T
Forest Knolls, CA 94933
-beat-generation, counterculture, and pomo literature

Smart Products
870 Market Street Suite 1262
San Francisco, CA
-smart drugs, drinks, etc.

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© 1998 The Computer Lab
Gareth Branwyn -

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