Active Wireheadkeekee fulldive – Active Wirehead Thu, 26 Apr 2018 18:32:37 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[keekee fulldive]]> Wed, 01 Apr 2015 14:10:44 +0000 keekee fulldive Name: keekee fulldive
Job: Freelance software developer
Location: A mini-metropolis in North America

Athletics (3) – Biking in heavy traffic, erryday, all day.
Subterfuge (4) – I’m tricksy, but for good causes.
Outdoors (3) – Grew up alternating between two homes, one in the wilderness and one in the metropolis. Spent many nights camping outside (in both places).
Namshubs (4) – I speak HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and SQL for a living.

Virtual Reality – I develop virtual reality games and applications.

I’m a freelance web developer because I love coding and hate schedules, bosses and the mountainous load of fake coolness that surrounds modern software development “company culture.” I don’t like “networking” or “pivoting” or any of that businessy stuff… I guess that what it really is is that software development and business are tightly linked in peoples’ minds, and I don’t like that. I started coding as a kid because I found computers and software beautiful, and I wanted to make art. That’s still why I code, and I still don’t really care about business, even though I obviously have to take on businesses as clients. I feel like I play music in a punk band on the weekends, and that’s what I really love, and that, during the week, I play boring background jazz piano at a ritzy club for money.

People are always like, “Oh, you’re a programmer? Have you built any apps I’ve heard of / are you rich / can you make me rich?” And then I punch them in the face and steal their keys, because Jesus H. Christ… It’s like saying, “Oh, you play guitar? What famous rock bands have you been in?”

Anyway, I make a lot of fun software on my own. My favorite things to build right now are virtual reality games. I haven’t got a Rift, and I’m not super interested in getting one right now. I fucking love building VR for smartphones, though. I hesitate to call this “Google Cardboard” because I feel like Google swooped in and tried to act like two lenses held close to a stereoscopic display was their idea, which it totally wasn’t. I have yet to come up with a less corporate, more general way of referring to “Google Cardboard,” but it’s high on my priority list.

So yeah, I make virtual reality software that runs in the web browser of your smartphone. I don’t give a shit about technologies that most people can’t afford (hurrah for cyberpunk), so I’m gonna keep my focus on developing for that platform for now. If anybody wants to test my virtual reality web apps, please hit me up (you need to have a semi-decent Android phone and a VR viewer, and, preferably, a gamepad and/or keyboard). I suck at working on teams, so I don’t really want coding help, just people who can play my games and tell me what was too confusing and what was fun.

Unimportant stuff: I spend a lot of time outdoors, I don’t drink or smoke or anything like that and I’m a vegetarian (but I truly don’t give a shit whether your quirks match mine) I was brought up partially in Japan and partially in the states, I was the only white kid in a Vietnamese Buddhist temple growing up, urban cycling is my favorite, and the ThinkPad X201 is the greatest computer ever made.

Cyberpunk is the greatest thing ever, and this site is dope.
