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Three-Fisted Tales of "Bob"

Edited by Rev. Ivan Stang

As the BeForeword mentions, this book is an Apocrypha of SubGenius writings. Followers of "Bob" here divulged many a strange tale about the High Epopt, any of which you are allowed to hail as Holy Scripture or denounce as blackest heresy.

Contributors include: Lewis Shiner, Mark Mothersbough, William Burroughs, Robert Anton Wilson, John Shirley and many others whose names will be familiar to the Faithful. This book contains copious amounts of Slack, and will help you adjust to the fact that X-Day is coming soon. Do it now.

(K. Bloom)



Three Fisted Tales of "Bob"
Edited by Rev. Ivan Stang
Fireside (Simon & Schuster)
1990, 351pp., $10.95

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Gareth Branwyn -

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