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William Gibson's Neuromancer: The Graphic Novel
Volume 1

This was actually my introduction to cyberpunk. After hearing Gareth rattle on for years, I figured this would be a painless entry into the genre.

It was all that and more! With art by Bruce Jensen and script by Tom De Haven, the story and images lured me in like a flashing fishhook. I never had a chance. The concepts were so cool, the renderings so smooth...

Before the graphic novel cooled, I was on my way to the book store to pick up the novel. Now, that's what a graphic novel adaption is supposed to do!

With an introduction by William Gibson, this book deserves some shelf space in your comic library.

(P. Sugarman)



Neuromancer: The Graphic Novel
Art by Bruce Jensen, script by Tom De Haven
The Berkley Publishing Group
200 Madison Avenue,
NYC, NY 10016
1989, $8.95

Here is the TEXT POPUP for Neuromancer: The Graphic Novel:

(from the Introduction by William Gibson)

...So it's entirely fair to say, and I've said it before, that the way Neuromancer-the-novel "looks" was influenced in large part by some of the artwork I saw in Heavy Metal. I assume that this must also be true of John Carpenter's "Escape from New York", Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner", and all other original artifacts of the style sometimes dubbed cyberpunk. Those French guys, they got their end in early.

But back to what I was saying about translations of Neuromancer. You're about to read one. It's the first one I've ever been able to read myself, so I take great pleasure in being able to tell you that its translators, Tom De Haven and Bruce Jensen, have done a very sharp job indeed. Not only does their version look very much like what I saw in my head, in 1983, it also *moves* that way. It's probably impossible to convey exactly what I mean by this, but their graphic novel *walks* right. From my point of view, that's an amazing and really very gratifying thing. If any of my work ever finds its way to the screen, I'll be very lucky indeed if it's this close to the author's original intent.


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