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Videostatic 1989
(a compilation of networking video)

This is a 60-minute audio-visual journey to the edges of alternative art-making and experimental video. The tape is divided up into four sections: "Poems" (intuitive, non-narrative, alogical), "Paintings" (video equivalent to the conventional canvas), "Stories" (Event-based sequences), and "Messages" (rhetorical stances, public "service" announcements). The most impressive pieces here are "Sex with the Dead," a video memory-jog of our morbidly nostalgic culture by Joe Schwind, "Of Thee I Sing/Sing/Sing," a musique concrete video by Linda Morgan-Brown and the Tape-Beatles, and "Glossolalia," (Steve Harp) an absolutely mind-fucking excursion into language, synaesthetic experience, and the structuring of human thought and perception. Surrounded by the curious, the kooky, and the just plain boring (as kook-tech artist Douglass Craft likes to say: "Not every experiment was a success.") At only $10, this is an insane bargain.

Videostatic compilers John Heck and Lloyd Dunn (of Tape-Beatles' fame) plan on putting out a series of these tapes. As far as we know, 1989 is the latest release. Write for more info (or to submit material).

(G. Branwyn)


911 North Dodge St.
Iowa City, IA 52245
$10/ 60-minute VHS cassette

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© 1998 The Computer Lab
Gareth Branwyn -

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