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Mark V. Ziesing Books

There is a problem with a lot of the material we cover in Beyond Cyberpunk! - it's really hard to get. Even in the big east and west coast sprawls, the weird media we neophiles are hell-bent on consuming can be elusive. And what on Earth do you do if you're stuck in Bog Hoot, Maine!?

Mail order is the answer and Mark V. Ziesing Books is one of the coolest places to blow plastic. His 40-odd page catalogs are always filled with the latest underground SF, slipstream, and pomo curiosities. Besides his great selection, and besides the fact that the Ziesing imprint itself has covered the likes of Sterling, Shirley, Shepard, Cadigan, Mark's book descriptions in the catalog are irreverant and often hysterical. His shoot-from- the-hip, unpretentious style will be familiar to readers of BCP! and bOING bOING. A large number of the authors and zines covered in BCP! are available through Ziesing.

Every SF fan who is looking to go beyond the sci-fi ghetto and beyond '80s cyberpunk should check this catalog out.

(G. Branwyn)


Mark V. Ziesing Books
PO Box 76
Shingletown, CA 96080
Catalog: $1.00

graphic: John Hurt in the film 1984


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Gareth Branwyn -

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