Cyberpunk Review » Writing Rural, Retro Cyberpunk…

March 20, 2006

Writing Rural, Retro Cyberpunk…

Curt, the owner of the terrific Groovy Age of Horror Blog, is working on a cyberpunk novel that apparently takes place in a rural setting. Curt has some interesting musings about cyberpunk, titled, “Hillbilly MATRIX: Cyberpunk as Urban, Retro . . . and Rural?” Cyberpunk as a genre really does take place in urban settings. The number of movies, for instance, that we can count to the contrary are certainly well less than 10, and most all occur in dystopic settings. Curt’s book sounds like it has the potential to stretch the genre somewhat. And if nothing else, it’s worth checking out his post for it’s most awesome blog post title!

This post has been filed under Cyberpunked living by SFAM.


March 20, 2006

DannyV_El_Acme said:

You know, I was thinking of stuff like this when writing the cyberpunk story I plan to do as a comic book(both writing and art). In specific, I had this REALLY cool idea for Native Americans. Maybe I’ll post it for your enjoyment in the forums one of these days ;)

March 21, 2006

Neuromancer said:

Well, you definitely got my attention.
Post it already!

DeadImpulse said:

I live in GA and the only thing I find worse than the idea is his writing. Just my opinion.

March 23, 2006

curt said:

DannyV–if you’re interested in Native American cyberpunk, I think Misha’s Red Spider, White Web is something you might want to check out. It’s in my to-read pile, and hopefully I’ll get to it soon.

DeadImpulse–the idea and the snippets I’ve posted could certainly use some refining, and I’m working on that, but that’s the thing about writing: it’s a process, and right now I’m at the very start of it as far as this project’s concerned.

SFAM said:

book cover

I gotta say, the boook cover for Red Spider, White Web is damn enticing, as are the comments. I think I’m adding it to my reading list.

And yeah, writing is definitely a process. From idea forumulation to actual story writing, this is not an overnight wonder, unless you’ve been doing it for a very long time. Keep at it Curt - I can’t wait to see the finished product. :)

DeadImpulse said:

I’ll tell you my problem with this idea, this is a personal opinion and as far as writing skills go take what I say with a grain of salt because I sure as hell couldn’t do any better. My problem is that most cyberpunk fans are progressive and free thinkers who don’t take part in archaic religions that are largely wielded in this country to control the populace and justify wrong doings. And this is coming from someone whose whole family is comprised of Christians and has lived in rural GA almost his whole life. It seems to me that cyberpunk goes against these things. I think there could be a audience for your story but being so overt about the subject matter is going to turn off not only a lot of cyberpunk fans but general readers.

March 28, 2006

curt said:

May 8, 2008

Gabriel said:

Well, I guess that once you figure out the basic lines of o literary genre , this becomes similar to a mathematical formula. You can input any kind of information within and watch the result, hoping for a good appreciation.
For example you could copy William Gibson’s style and write about prehistoric life of man.

May 7, 2009

ademc said:

Greetings programs, nice to see a cyberpunk site for writing.
I’m a bit of a writer from the uk, and have some stories - more web futuristic or speculative than old-school cyberpunk….see my link for a browse.

I’m working on a new story that i plan to publish online, say June 2009.

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