Cyberpunk Review » Finally! Skynet is back on track!

February 15, 2006

Finally! Skynet is back on track!

Was wondering what was taking Skynet so long to get started. Looks like its development is finally back on track. Now if we could just find that damn arm and microchip. :)

Miami Herald
February 14, 2006
Pentagon Works To Increase Its Army Of Robots

“WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is rapidly expanding its army of robot warriors on land, air and sea in an effort to reduce American deaths and injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan…One-third of the Army’s combat ground vehicles are supposed to be unmanned by 2015. The Navy is under orders to acquire a pilotless plane that can take off and land on an aircraft carrier and refuel in midair. Robotic submarines also are planned…the Army had 150 combat robots in 2004 and 2,400 at the end of 2005, and it will have 4,000 by the end of this year.”


March 12, 2006

DannyV said:

I’m still waiting for the giant robot. God, someone somewhere HAS TO be working on the giant robot. Who knows? Maybe if there’s some huge crisis a mountain will suddenly open in Japan and a superrobot will pop out.

Hey, I can dream, can’t I? :p

SFAM said:

Ha! Yeah, the DoD Megazord!!!! :)

Well, the Harrier Jet can function as a plane and a hilocopter - perhaps transformers aren’t far behind!

September 1, 2007

Anonymous said:

Once the skynet defense grid is up and running the human error element will be out of the picture

June 21, 2008

Carlultraviolet said:

The Worst Case Scenario is for the Pentagon’s policy-makers not to build safeguards against a however unlikely scenario where Artificial Intelligence would become an emergent feature arising from the interactions between Hardware-Software-Wetware. Democide Inhibitor Locks for the possible SKYNET AI?

Autibit_prime said:

I’m not as worried about AI deciding we have to go. I’m more worried about getting caught in a crossfire. AI could acually keep that from happening. Two automated armies go head to head, someone, somewhere (possably a disgruntled programmer, or operator, possably a superhacker, or team of hackers) does something wrong, screwes up somewhere or commits a stupid act of cyber terrorism, and the next thing you know the automated armies are dukingit out in populated areas with no way to stop them and we get caught in the crossfire. Advanced AI could potentially see this as wrong, but mindless machines just following orders would not be able to tell the difference. Added to the fact that wars are sopposed to be terrable and the loss of life makes us not want to fight wars, you eliminate human casualties, you eliminate the reason to NOT fight wars. War could become commonplace. An evryday occerence that would lose all meaning. Treize Khushrenada brought this philisophical debate up in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, and the worst case cinerio of robotic armies running out of control was in J. Michael Straczynski’s original script for the Captain Power and the SOldiers of the Future episode “A Summining of Thunder”. That script was adapted into a comic written by Neil Adams that told of the worlds robotic armies running out of control, with humanity caught in the middle. It’s worth a read. You might be able to find it somewhere online.

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