Cyberpunk Review » Insect Cyborg Army…The New Military Plan!

March 22, 2006

Insect Cyborg Army…The New Military Plan!

I found this on the Livejournal Cyberpunk Collective. Looks like the DARPA, the US Military’s high-tech R&D arm is investigating the use of implanting cyborg devices in insect larvae so that when they fully develop, they’ll be cybernetic killing machines! Or, um, at least they’ll be able to snoop out the enemy.




“Darpa believes scientists can take advantage of the evolution of insects, such as dragonflies and moths, in the pupa stage.

“Through each metamorphic stage, the insect body goes through a renewal process that can heal wounds and reposition internal organs around foreign objects,” its proposal document reads.

The foreign objects it suggests to be implanted are specific micro-systems - Mems - which, when the insect is fully developed, could allow it to be remotely controlled or sense certain chemicals, including those in explosives.

The invasive surgery could “enable assembly-line like fabrication of hybrid insect-Mems interfaces”, Darpa says.”

One wonders how well butterflies will work in the Iraqi desert.


March 23, 2006

DannyV_El_Acme said:

Well, there HAS to be some sort of insect in the Iraqi desert that could be used, maybe some kind of scarab or beetle?

Still, one more step towards the cybernetic revolt!

Nexyde said:

Perhaps they could use moths instead and they could eat the cloths off the terrorists so they would die of skin cancer from exposure to the sun?

Just a thought.

SFAM said:

Now there’s cool bio-cyborg weapon system idea :)

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