Cyberpunk Review » Bare with me, working on the Header

January 30, 2006

Bare with me, working on the Header

Yes, the top graphic doesn’t line up right now and looks stupid with the tag line hanging out. Please bare with me. I’m working on this. Don’t be surprised if you see the top and layout change on a pretty regular basis today. :)

UPDATE: Please tell me if in viewing this page, the header graphic doesn’t line up with the left side of the green navigation table. I’m viewing this in Firefox (my preferred) and in Internet Explorer, and it seems to line up right. I need to know if this looks hoaky in other browers.

And yes, I’m still trying to figure out how to eliminate the space between the header graphic and the navbar, not to mention the space on the top of the graphic. Also, I have credits for the header graphic listed in my footer.

This post has been filed under Site Development by SFAM.


January 30, 2006

ETM said:

Ah, nice! Good to see you made it, SFAM!

SFAM said:

Thanks! I’m almost there! I got to figure out how to remove the spaces, which only seem to show up on the home page and the page views.

January 31, 2006

ETM said:

While you’re at it - could you reconsider the page title? I mean, I’d recommend putting first, because this way, when the site is bookmarked, it says “~ the most complete cyberpunk site on t…” in Firefox, for example.

SFAM said:

Yeah, the page title is a function of the template…not sure what It does this. I need to find the place where it calls out the title and loads it that way in order to reverse them. This is one of the MANY little cleanups I need to do. You’ll notice that with your graphic, it comes up perfect on the individual review pages, but has gaps on the home page and the nav pages (movies by decade, for instance). Also the movies listed at the bottom of the reviews are sorted by review date instead of alphanumerically. This too needs correction.

Terminal Reality said:

If you want to clear both spaces on the top and the bottom of header image, just remove and tags that come before and after your header image in html code. tag is used to create paragraphs and has its own margins and paddings. Removing the tag you’re gonna get rid of that space. If you need help you can ask me.

Terminal Reality said:

Turns out “HTML code is ON” on commets. It swallowed tags which I’ve written in previous comment.
If you want to clear both spaces on the top and the bottom of header image, just remove “p” and “/p” tags that come before and after your header image in html code. “p” tag is used to create paragraphs and has its own margins and paddings. Removing the tag you’re gonna get rid of that space. If you need help you can ask me.

SFAM said:

Hi Terminal Reality, thanks for the comments.

If I were dealing with simple HTML code, this would be no problem. Instead I have like 5 CSS tagsets and about 10 php files to look through to figure out where its occuring. These pages are rendered, they aren’t static. I don’t know that the paragraph tag causes that much space, but I’ll play around with it (I remember where this is). My fear is that its one of the other specifications called out in the style sheets which are then further detailed in the php pages. I say this because, if you look at the page with the comments (this page) instead of the front page, the spacing is perfect, but the “p” tag is still there.

Terminal Reality said:

BTW, I compared main and comment page’ source codes. Comment page’ code is beginning with “a” tag not with “document type definition-DTD”.

February 1, 2006

SFAM said:

Yep, this is to make the “back to top” function on the single pages work. I don’t think this will affect things though. I think this has something to do with different styles being called out on the home page and nav pages than is called out on the single movie reviews.

February 3, 2006

SFAM said:

Hi Terminal, turns out it was a combination of the “P” tag and a change to one of the styles. The “p” tag ended up affecting both pages, but I had a workaround (a minus padding value) that seemed to work on the single pages, but not on the home page. I’ve fixed things so that my workaround is no longer necessary - looks better now!

April 20, 2008

ss said:


Anonymous said:

Wow, hacking has really went down the tubes if defacing now = leaving a comment on a comment board.

May 2, 2008

biohazard said:

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