June 14, 2006
YouTube Video - Yellow
Netsui found this and posted it in the Meatspace. Directed by Visual Effects specialist, Neill Blomkamp, this little short plays like an ad for a movie called “Yellow.” This is about an android, who appears to be more intelligent than the rest, and has escaped. All in all, its an interesting 4 minutes. This would be cool if it was a trailer for an actual movie.
EDIT: Link updated.
June 22, 2006
Forian said:
“This video is no longer avaiable”, *sigh*
June 23, 2006
TaTooKa said:
sigh number two
SFAM said:
Hi guys, try it now. I linked to another version of this video.
June 26, 2006
Net said:
DL it here:
or watch it here