From Sci-Fi to nowadays

Remember HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey?

HAL 9000

HAL 9000

One of the possible source name of HAL was based on a one-letter shift from the name IBM

In 2011, a new computer from IBM named ”Watson” won against humans on Jeopardy Game

IBM Watson: Final Jeopardy!


Today this technology is available in the market. IBM presents

IBM Watson Discovery Advisor

Watson represents a first step into cognitive systems, a new era of computing. It uses programmatic computing plus the combination of three additional capabilities that make Watson truly unique: natural language processing, hypothesis generation and evaluation, and dynamic learning.


Watson Bay servers

Watson Bay servers


Natural Language

Watson can read and understand natural language, important in analyzing unstructured data that make up as much as 80 percent of data today.

Hypothesis Generation

When asked a question, Watson relies on hypothesis generation and evaluation to rapidly parse relevant evidence and evaluate responses from disparate data.

Dynamic Learning

Through repeated use, Watson literally gets smarter by tracking feedback from its users and learning from both successes and failures


From the  commercial Video:

In the fight against cancer, Watson helped identify new target proteins in a matter of weeks, not years, to accelerate the discovery of new treatments. In other industries as well–finance, retail, government, manufacturing, energy, education–Watson is forging new partnerships between humans and computers to enhance, scale and accelerate human expertise. For years, cognitive computing represented the potential for surprising new discoveries. Suddenly, with Watson, it’s the reality.

But if you watch the video you see that they talk also of the benefits to have ”Watson” for Law enforcement 🙂

Anyway this is a new step in Big Data and unstructured data. Very amazing and I really want to see this supra-computer run in my industry one day ;p



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