Cyberpunk Review » Korea Can Create Hawt Android Chicks Too!

May 5, 2006

Korea Can Create Hawt Android Chicks Too!

Korean Android

From the Livejournal Cyberpunk Collective, I found that Korea has entered the Android business.


Standing 1.6 meters tall and weighing about 50 kilograms, she can understand others, speak, blink with her eyes and makes several facial expressions.


But she is not human, rather an android developed by a team of South Korean scientists. It is only the second time in the world that an android has been developed _ Japan made the first one.


Unlike the Japanese android chick, which seems to be designed to stop people from slapping her, this one actually seems to specialize in understanding communication and lifelike speaking.

The human-sized robot can understand 400 words and make eye contact while talking via her lips that are synchronized with the pronunciation of words.

Fifteen tiny motors embedded into her silicon face enable her to make a total of four expressions in tune with as many sentiments _ joy, anger, sorrow and happiness.

It is interesting that hot looking chicks are the first androids made. Talk about life imitating art!


May 31, 2006

Neuromancer said:

Do her knees bend?
(sorry, couldn’t help myself)

February 13, 2007

Bo said:

Both of these androids looks kinda stupid.
They should make them look at the people talking to them.

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