This is an old trailer (2011) for Deus Ex – Human Revolution, a cyberpunk-themed action role-playing video game developed by Eidos Montreal and I really liked it.


The first adverts are from Sarif Industries and the last one is a fake hacked warning video about a proLife activist cell named Purity First.


This is totally cyberpunk style and describes a fictional depictions of transhumanist scenarios.




About The Author

Active Wirehead
Owner/ Admin / Author

2 Responses

  1. ChapnCrunch

    … and if anyone’s interested in Transhumanism from a historical perspective, here’s a futurist in the 80’s named FM-2030 being interviewed about his ideas about the future (some of which are already the past). His book, _Are You A Transhuman?_ is pretty interesting both as a thought-provoking set of ideas about our potential futures, and as a curious artifact from a few decades ago that reveals just how quickly our ideas about the future become dated. Check it out on YouTube:

    • Active Wirehead
      Active Wirehead

      Thanks for the link. I will watch it. Transhumanism is more and more public now. This movement is growing up and I find it very interesting. So many subjects to discuss especially about the limits of human evolution everyone want to achieve..or not 🙂
      I have some documentaries about it also.