February 24, 2006
Wired: Interview with Linklater on Scanner Darkly
Wired has a pretty cool interview with Richard Linklater, director of Scanner Darkly, a new movie based on a Philip K. Dick novel. Linklater describes a number of the production issues, primarily centered around animation, that have delayed this picture from its original September 2005 target release date. The Rotoscoping technique they are using involves artists hand drawing a significant amount of the details, whereupon a software program fills in the rest. Apparently they had some significant issues in getting consistency out of the animation artists. Not surprisingly, additional problems arose out of usability issues with a highly customized software product.
Still, this movie looks interesting. Check out the trailer for Scanner Darkly if you haven’t seen it yet. I can’t wait for its July 7th release date!
Also, Wired has a pretty fun top 10 list on why Keanu Reeves Rules for these kind of movies (like we didn’t already know that!).
February 26, 2006
Simonf said:
I also cannot wait, it’s one of my favourite PKD books and I’m also a big fan of Linklater as well.
February 27, 2006
DoomAng3l said:
This is going to bring the house down, I cannot wait to see this film. The story is amazing, PKD on true form. let us just hope that it isn’t the same old Keano in this!
February 28, 2006
Neuromancer said:
I am afraid this one will either turn out to be utterly brilliant or a disappointment.
Like, whoa!
March 1, 2006
ETM said:
Interesting?! Talk about understatement!
I’ve been waiting for this one a long time, and not even Keanu can mess that up. Remember - animation… brings even the dullest actor to life.
SFAM said:
Ouch! ETM is not a Keanu fan…
ETM said:
Oh, I am! I have nothing against him, actually. I just like poking fun at him for from time to time.
I respect him too much as a person to be a hater.
On the other hand, I do feel that the animators added another dimension to his acting, and it can even be seen in the trailer.
SFAM said:
The interview points to some of the issues in getting consistency in the animation - hopefully the “Disney” approach they went to, that involved having each animator animating the same character throughout versus doing whole scenes, mitigates the issues. But yeah, the trailer looks very cool.