May 29, 2006
I Had a Fun Time Speaking at Balticon
Sorry for the lack of updates recently; I was preparing for a local Con. I had a great time speaking at Balticon this weekend. While the organization was a complete zoo, and my main session (Hidden Cyberpunk Gems in Film) was opposite against a kickin Browncoat play and terrific Gene Wolfe session, it was still a blast. The Gems session eventually got close to 20 people. A few came up afterwards and mentioned this was their favorite session of the whole event - another mentioned she might have a potential interested reviewer. In any event, I enjoyed this enough I probably want to look into doing similar events.
In doing the sessions, especially the anime themes one, I’m more convinced than ever that some of these wonderful animes and films sorely need publicity. There are some absolutely terrific stories that people that aren’t getting in front of those who would be REALLY interested to know about them. This really has become one of the primary goals of Cyberpunk Review. I really do believe I’ve helped expose people to truly interesting films that otherwise would have never gotten in front of them. In that same vein, I TRULY appreciate all the regulars here who are constantly exposing ME to previously hidden cyberpunk films. At one time I thought there was only about 120 cyberpunk anime and films. Now the number is hovering around 180 and rising. Keep them coming!
BTW - has any one seen all these movies in the brocure? If not, I’m guessing at least a few of you can identify all the pictures.