January 14, 2006
Blade Runner
Year: 1982
Directed by: Ridley Scott
Written by: Philip K. Dick (Novel), Hampton Fancher & David Peoples
Degree of Cyberpunk Visuals: Very High
Correlation to Cyberpunk Themes: Very High
Key Cast Members:

Overview: If you read a lot of the reviews from others about movies on this site, you’ll find that over half of them reference Blade Runner in some way, other in the visuals or issues discussed. Along with Gibson’s Neuromancer, Blade Runner did more to establish cyberpunk as a genre. The fact that Blade Runner came two years prior to Neuromancer is rather interesting. Truly, this film set the standard for the near-future film noirs sub-genre we call cyberpunk.
Not too dissimilar to the wrath that greeted Metropolis’ release, Blade Runner was not an instant hit. Instead it grew from being critically panned to a cult classic, to now, where its well on its way to being considered a timeless classic.
The Visuals: The visuals in Blade Runner are simply stunning. We see corporate pharaohs ruling a society containing manufactured slaves from their Egyptian style pyramids, while we see rot and decay on the streets below. Noir-style beige and blacks dominate the screen, but are often supplanted by shocking neons. In Blade Runner, we see and Earth in ruin - a place that people are eager to leave. Only the poor and problematic are left on this rain-soaked dystopian planet that has been raped of any semblance of natural existence. The Earth is now almost completely devoid of trees and animals, which are now replaced with artificial ones for the pleasure of mankind.
The Story: Technology and corporate power are clearly the cause for this downfall. Genetic engineering has run rampant, and is combined with advanced organic computing technologies. It is in this world that we find a cast of flawed characters. Nobody is pure, nobody pristine. They are all a product of the environment they live in.
To augment humanity’s needs and desires, replicants, or genetically engineered humans imbued with artificial intelligence have been developed. They serve many important roles including protection, pleasure slaves, and hard labor for the most dangerous environments. While replicants start out as rather straightforward and useful machines, over time, they start to develop awareness - their own personality, and eventually, free will and a desire for self-preservation. Because they are defined as property, Replicants are given a 4-year lifespan, which is enforced upon inception, and is irreversible.
It is in this world that we encounter Deckard (Harrison Ford), a Blade Runner. Blade Runners are cops who hunt down Replicants. At the beginning of the movie, we find that Deckard has supposedly retired from the business.I say supposedly here, because if he is a replicant, then really, he has been imbued with false memories as well, and in fact has never been a blade runner prior to this. Really, he is just filling in as a laborer fulfilling another job that is too dangerous for humans.
Deckard is brought back in to "retire" 4 runaway "skin jobs" (replicants) who have murdered humans off-world and have escaped to Earth. Apparently, they seem to be interested in coming back to their creators - the Tyrell corporation. The story expands from there, and truly touches on some wonderful questions concerning ethical dilemmas that most certainly will arise in the future.
I’m not in the business. I AM the business…
Deckard encounters Rachael (played wonderfully by Sean Young), a replicant who during the movie discovers her true nature. Blade Runner does a masterful job of exploring the questions and emotions surrounding this. We see Rachael’s theme echoed in Natural City, Armitage, Thirteenth Floor, Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, Malice@Doll, the Animatrix, I, Robot, and others. This question about what degree artificial life forms are human is a central theme of the cyberpunk genre.
What is Human? While other movies have been terrific in exploring this, Blade Runner still sits at the top of the list, both for Racheal, and for Roy Batty, the leader of the renegade replicants. Roy’s monologue near the end (see the quote at the top), which was supposedly adlibbed by Rutger Hauer, captures in a single moment the ethical dilemma with creating sentient life. If they have freewill, can they really be considered property? And if they aren’t property, what are they, exactly?
Blade Runner uses mannequins and toys as its set piece for representing this dilemma. In Blade Runner, corporations create these glorified toys - moving mannequins if you will, to meet the needs of society, yet while the toys themselves are clearly a product of the society just like all the other noir characters, are they truly nothing more? And if we do consider them to be on par with humans, what obligations do they have to their creators, who invested time and money in their creation?
The Bottom Line: On top of all this philosophical questioning, we get some great noir-detective-like action and suspense. Roy Batty is truly a badass. Deckard’s pursuit of him is a very fun engagement, as is the climax. Its flat out terrific. The pacing is wonderful, the visuals are astounding, and the story is enthralling. By now I’m guessing most have seen this cinematic masterpiece, but if not, you are truly in for feast!

~See movies similar to this one~
Tags: cyberpunk movie review
February 9, 2006
Simonf said:
Hail to the king - Probably the best Cyberpunk film ever made and likely to remain as such for a long time. Truly epic in scope and manages to effortlessly capture nearly every aspect of the genre. I will not be drawn into the argument about decker being a replicant here though!
SFAM said:
Ah yes! A topic for the meatspace! Is Deckherd a replicant? you make the call!
But yeah, the movie truly set the genre. It will probably always be a mandatory watch.
February 13, 2006
k said:
Yeah, one has to love this; i remember when it first came out and i went along to the movie theatre (remember those) with friends not knowing what to expect and expecting nothing actually as i had not a clue; then what a real wtf moment; like duuu how long have i been asleep why am i not making movies like these why am i not writing stories like this; a real agent provoc this movie; but has to be seen in a movie theatre as the tube just can’t hack it; makes one admire script writers too, as dick’s book is exactly that (apart from the name) mm sorry shouldn’t have said that but what the …
SFAM said:
Hi K, yeah, definitely. As a teen, bladerunner rocked my world - definitely a terrific movie. While I like the DC better, the original release was pretty darn good. The two aspects of this movie that truly have trancsended time are the overall visuals and the Roy Batty performance. The visuals pretty much set the standard for the genre, and Hauer’s Roy Batty still gives us the best “I deserve to be alive” non-human performance yet.
February 19, 2006
Bergo said:
Bladerunner is one of my Favourite movies of all time. I think this typifies the way the genre should look; dark, gothic, but not that different from what areas of the world are now. Also, it’s a movie that aged really well, which is impressive for a 24 year old movie !
Was this review on the Directors’ cut? or the Original?
I never saw the original, and never managed to source a copy. All video stores seem to only have the directors cut.
SFAM said:
Hi Bergo, the review is for the Director’s Cut. I saw the original in the theaters, but also recently downloaded it due to my inability to get it legally. I like the Director’s Cut more, primarily because it loses the cheesy narration. But it’s not as bad as many seem to indicate. I would still give the original at least 8 stars.
And yeah, Blade Runner pretty much set the standard for visuals of the cyberpunk genre. It still holds up wonderfully, which is pretty cool considering its age.
March 5, 2006
DannyV_El_Acme said:
The huge billboard with the cute geisha is still to me the most instantly recognizable scene in all of the cyberpunk genre
SFAM said:
Hi DannyV, you’re right - it’s certainly up there. It sort of captures the essence of a lot of cyberpunk in that one shot (asian influence, technology, alluring chicks, mega-corporations, dystopic futures, etc.).
March 11, 2006
Galatea said:
Roy’s monologue and death scene are the best part of the movie.
SFAM said:
Hi Galatea, welcome to cyberpunkreview
And yeah, I agree with you. Roy’s monologue and death scene are eminently memorable. It’s by far the best scene Rutger Hauer has ever put on film.
March 13, 2006
Neuromancer said:
Yup, he (Rutger) wrote those words himself 15 minutes before shooting the scene. How is that for improvising, huh?
SFAM said:
Wow! Didn’t know that. Hauer really rose to the occaision there.
March 16, 2006
DannyV said:
It saddens me that Rutger Hauer has basically been reduced to a minor character and B-movie actor, considering how AWESOME he is
I’d love for someone in Hollywood to give him a good secondary or even starring role to see him make a comeback.
Hey, if John Travolta could make an acting comeback, so can the Ru-Man!
SFAM said:
Hi Danny - Hollywood’s ahead of you on that one. Hauer plays a pretty cool role in Sin City - which is definitely a top quality production! One can only hope this sets a trend for the future.
March 17, 2006
Brooders.net » Blog Archive » Cyberpunk Primer said (pingback):
[…] Bladerunner (A movie based on the Philip K Dick novel “Do Android dream of electronic sheep?”) Ghost in the Shell Manga Cyberpunk Film […]
March 23, 2006
Muad'dib said:
“Blade Runner” is simply my favourite movie and without a doubt the best cyberpunk flick out there. It’s a shame that there’s still no adequate DVD out there…and all the rumours about the Dellxe Edition with the real DC seem to remain just that…rumours!
I also love the book. Too bad Dick couldn’t watch the whole movie - but he allegedly liked the script and the footage he saw.
As for Rutger Hauer. He also had a part in Batman Begins. Not a major part but still….good movie.
Anyway, great site. I stumbled on the link in the usenet a few days ago and it’s really good. Excellent reviews.
And please excuse my mistakes, I’m from Germany
SFAM said:
Hi Muad’dib, welcome to cyberpunkreview
And yeah, the DVD is pretty horrid. I don’t see the Deluxe Edition ever happening - the studio pretty much has killed this idea, even though it would clearly make money. And yeah, Hauer is making a small career resurgence - this is terrific.
By the way, you might be surprised to learn that over a third of all people accessing this site are from outside the US, and far more for those posting comments. Thanks again for posting.
March 24, 2006
DeadImpulse said:
Warner Bros. is working on a new Blade Runner DVD. They confirmed it in a live chat on The Digital Bits ( http://www.thedigitalbits.com/ ). I’ll see if I can find the chat transcription.
DeadImpulse said:
Here it is http://www.thedigitalbits.com/articles/022106htfchat.html all they say is that they are working on it
SFAM said:
Oh wow - How cool! Thanks for the find DeadImpulse!
Muad'dib said:
They’ve been saying that for years now…
…I don’t care I want to believe.
SFAM said:
This is true…every few years we hear its right around the corner, then our hopes get crushed once again.
DeadImpulse said:
Well this time it looks as though they are already working on the disc itself and not just the legal rights to release it. I’d expect it on DVD if not HD-DVD by early ‘07. I’m being optimistic about it this time.
April 20, 2006
MAX said:
Awesome movie.
Visually rivetting, emotionally haunting, and intellectually stimulating.
Long live Blade Runner!
May 26, 2006
Muad'Dib said:
Great News!
@Deadimpulse: Seems you were right.
“The restored “Director’s Cut” will debut on homevid in September, and remain on sale for four months only, after which time it will be placed on moratorium. “Blade Runner: Final Cut” will arrive in 2007 for a limited 25th anniversary theatrical run, followed by a special edition DVD with the three previous versions offered as alternate viewing: Besides the original theatrical version and director’s cut, the expanded international theatrical cut will be included. The set will also contain additional bonus materials.”
source: variety.com; dvdtalk.com; hollywoodreporter.com
A theatrical run - I might even consider a trip to the states only to see this movie in the cinema
July 24, 2006
Blaze one said:
Off topic:
Great web site. Found it the other day, by luck. It’s now bookmarked on my toolbar.
On topic:
A) I saw an interview (on Space Network in Canada) with Willian Gibson. He said he was working on Neuromancer when he went to see BR. He said he ran out crying halfway through. He said he felt that the only good idea he ever had was crap (compared to BR).
B) This is the only time i liked a movie better than the book.
C) Just wondering: Why do people think Deckard is a “Skin Job”? For real.
Is it due to the Unicorn/piano scene (the one part of the moive i dont get).
July 25, 2006
erc1452 said:
Check the forums, there is a rather lengthy thread, I think it is named “Deckard. Replicant or not?”
Lots of great information, opinions, observations there.
SFAM said:
Hi Blaze, welcome to cyberpunkreview
Yeah, definitely Gibson’s Neuromancer and Scott’s Blade Runner (from Dick’s book of course) started the genre in a big way. I’m sure it must have been pretty dissapointing for Gibson to see that this idea had “arrived” in more than just his brain. Then again, his book really was terrific as well
Blaze one said:
Thanks for the forum direction and the welcomes.
August 6, 2006
Hugo said:
‘Blade Runner’ confused the Hell out of me the first time I saw it. Then I read Phillip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” (which, by the way, if they ever decided to remake ‘Blade Runner’ should be stuck to WITHOUT DEVIATION! :P) and all became clear.
The book is fantastic. The film is great, yes, but the book…
It made me a Dickhead (no, it’s not what you think :P).
August 8, 2006
Adam Doub said:
Blade Runner truely is a crash course on Cyberpunk. I didn’t notice this, but no one seems to have posted that the title ‘Blade Runner’ was originally used by William S. Burroughs in one of his short stories/experiments. Also, to those who are into Cyberpunk games, you may want to check out Hideo Kojima’s (of Metal Gear fame) ‘SNATCHER’. It’s a cyberpunk digital animated investigative adventure that takes place in a world almost identical to that of Blade Runner. The plot deals with robotic lifeforms called ‘Snatchers’ that appear during the winter killing humans and inflitrating society by taking on the indentities and appearances of their their victims. The story begins with Gillian Seed, an amnesia patient whom after being discharged from the hospital dedicates his life to a secret police organization called J.U.N.K.E.R. who’s main objective is to discover and eliminate any Snatchers they encounter. Here’s a website for those interested.
check it out, get it (even though it’s rather rare), play it, love it
SFAM said:
Wow, awesome post, Adam! And yeah, that JUNKER website looks terrific.
February 12, 2007
Damien said:
Am I the only one who likes the original more, althought it has a cheesier ending.
SFAM said:
Hi Damien, probably not. Although I’ve talked to over hundreds of people online about Blade Runner, and haven’t really heard massive support for the original as compared to the DC. That said, the original blew me away when it came out in the 80s, so I won’t in any way say it’s bad, or not even great - just not as good as the DC. I still have a nice downloaded copy of it I watch every now and then (it’s better for just listening to on an ipod, for instance - there the narration is a boon!).
But we’re all really looking forward to the “Final Cut” of Blade Runner coming out in September! This hopefully will be the best!
.anima.mechanica. said:
Man, I can’t wait for the final cut…
I’ve never seen the original (so shoot me), it’s so bloody hard to get ahold of. I haven’t had a real desire to, however– I feel like the spaces where the voiceovers used to be feel right and I thought the ‘grim’ and noir-ish ending was perfect.
By the way, the stills you have on here are great. I haven’t seen them anywhere else on the web.
SFAM said:
Hi Anima.mechanica. I hope these screencaps aren’t everywhere else on the web (you did notice the second page of screencaps though, right?) Afterall they took me a long time to make.
Seriously though, if I’ve used screencaps from someone else, I usually state this, although the number of times I’ve done this in 130+ reviews is probably somewhere less than 10.
February 19, 2007
Netrunner said:
> Neuromancer said:
> Yup, he (Rutger) wrote those words himself 15 minutes
> before shooting the scene. How is that for improvising, huh?
Yeah, Hail to Rutger Hauer, one of the best and talented actors ever!
Blade Runner is the best cyberpunk movie ever made in history! It even beats The Matrix in visuals, atmosphere and depth. Every real cyberpunk and hacker knows and loves this movie! *kewl*
February 22, 2007
Hal Pehlich said:
It doesn’t matter if you like the original or the “Director’s Cut,” I’d say Ridley Scott’s brilliant masterpiece is still by far the most influential SF film ever made & certainly the best! I’m such a devoted BR fan of the movie that I’ve decided to illustrate a poster, my version of the cult classic. If you’re a loyal fan, check out the BR poster on the “BLADE RUNNER FONT HOMEPAGE” On the upper left you’ll see, ” Personal Home” & under it ” Homepage… click it & you’ll find it. Or try “BLADEZONE: The Online BR Fan Club & Museum,” it’s under the BladeZone News & Features, you can’t miss it. Enjoy!
February 23, 2007
SFAM said:
Hi Hal Pehlich, I would certainly put Blade Runner in the top 5 most influential (and top 5 best), but I don’t think it belongs at #1. To me, that honor belongs to Metropolis. I would also put Frankenstein (I think this qualifies as SciFi and horror), Star Wars, Alien, 2001 Space Odyssey, Forbidden Planet and Day the Earth Stood Still in the mix.
Hal Pehlich said:
Metropolis is my third favorite SF film, my second choice would be 2001 ( awesome! ) I consider Blade Runner to be # 1 because it’s unique & innovative. I love the concept, the hard-boiled detective assigned to retire genetically made replicants in the steel & microchip jungle of 21st century Los Angeles. This futuristic detective story is so original, a dark, realistic vision of what possibly can happen in our future. Scary thought…but true.
March 28, 2007
Brenda said:
I just had to comment. Rutger is doing just what he wants to do, “act”. Unfortunately hollywood does not allow us the chance to see him because they are so busy with tom hanks, Tom cruise, jon voight,brad pitt and jolie, and other nambly, pambly twits… They would have to actually work on good material to suit Rutger’s talents and let’s face it- they can’t do it. Wonder why movies suck so much… it’s because no one really has to act, they just show up!!! This is why independent films are doing so well…..it is after all made up of………….ACTING. Rutger never went anywhere.he just decided to do what he wants to and I admire him for that.do I miss him- hell yes but connect on his website….he is till there and still awesome..brenda
March 29, 2007
Sir_Max said:
sure this IS a MUST to see, watch, enjoy, think, meditate and (i dont know that much words in english, sorry)….. get into your collection…
the acting is awesome.. so much talent in one single movie… that is why it has a become a cult movie.. the actors that gave life and reality to their characters… the director, who knows pretty well how this story was supposed to be told… the artists for the overall style… and countless more…
i’m really starting to like this place ^_^
SFAM said:
Hi Brenda, I tend to love anything Rutger Hauer does, even if the movie sucks. There’s something about him as an actor that just really works for me. I don’t think he has terrific range, but I certainly like his stuff. I’ve never stopped by his website, but perhaps I will sometime. I still say the “Time to Die” scene is by far his best moment.
And I’m glad you like it, Sir Max! Hope to see you in the forums.
May 29, 2007
Klaw said:
If anyone is interested, the excellent documentary “On The Edge of Blade Runner” has been uploaded to google video, if you want to watch it.
randomrob said:
its excellent- & hearing Dick speak worth the price of admission.
Klaw said:
True, I’d never seen footage of PK so it’s great to see… listening to Rutger is amusing too… his breakdown of why Harrison had issues with the film is great. Ridley’s comment that the film is “novellistic” is perfect… it’s a movie you re-watch and see new things upon each viewing.
June 3, 2007
Brooders.net » Blog Archive » Junk Punk or Mr Woo builds robots said (pingback):
[…] He names all of them after himself, in a weird kind of “maker” way. And like JT from Bladerunner “I make ‘em, they’re toys, they’re my friends” he has this obsession […]
Klaw said:
Hehe… nice link. Not quite replicants. Interesting family dynamic though… wife wants husband to make money, care for kids… husband only wants to make robots.
June 4, 2007
Sean Huxter said:
This is the movie I use to rate all other films against. My “Blade Runner Scale” is what I use. A movie that is 1.0 BR is equally as good, and that isn’t many movies. I also reserve a 1.1BR for those movies that do transcend Blade Runner’s greatness (it happens on occasion.)
The Director’s Cut, to me, is the far more boring version. While people decry the voice-over, it is essential to setting the mood, and making this not only a sci fi trhiller but a film-noir detective story. The best of those are narrated, and Harrison Ford’s deadpan narration not only sets the tone but includes necessary background that isn’t always set up prior to events unfolding.
The Director’s Cut offers little to improve what is, to my mind, a perfect film (perfect other than the one gaffe in editing that forgets to mention one of the replicants who died climbing an electric fence, leaving the math wrong on the number of replicants who escaped the shuttle).
I did see this film when it was first released, and was so blown away by it it has affected my view of every film since. Bravo to all involved, and to the god that is Ridley Scott.
randomrob said:
There’s no accounting for taste, I guess.
June 9, 2007
Brenda said:
He has more range than you think….he is just not given the chance to prove it or show it……..he’s funny, charming, sexy as hell, he has done serious material well beyond the “I’M GONNA SCARE THE HELL OUT OF YOU”… genre he’s been pidgeoned holed into……we’ll only truly appreciate Rutger when we’re the ones saying the time to die ending for him- by the way…did you know he wrote that……more range than anyone knows,….brenda
June 16, 2007
Blade Runner Final Cut - It’s the Unicorn!!! | Cyberpunk Review said (pingback):
[…] * ‘82 U.S. Theatrical version * ‘82 International Theatrical version * ‘92 Director’s Cut […]
July 22, 2007
Steve Piner said:
Bladerunner was a very stylish movie. It set a standard that I’ve not seen in any other movie since. The musical score by Vangelis was a very fitting soundtrack to such a dark ande mysterious movie about how deal with a creation that can grow out of our control. Replicants that are as smart as their creators but physically stronger poses a particular moral delimna. To build a whole series of futuristic Frankensteins to form off-world kick murder squads pretty much shows essence of a decaying society. I would like to see more movies that have the same “feel” as Bladerunner. It was a very unique film.
July 24, 2007
Blade Runner Ultimate Collection DVD Series « More Life Underground by illsheep said (pingback):
[…] ‘92 Director’s Cut […]
July 25, 2007
Klaw said:
July 26, 2007
Klaw said:
Blade Runner: The Final Cut will be included in three stunning DVD editions: a Two-Disc Special Edition (at $20.97 SRP), a Four-disc Collector’s Edition ($34.99 SRP) and the Five-Disc Ultimate Collector’s Edition ($78.92 SRP) in Collectible “Deckard Briefcase” packaging. Warner Home Video will unveil on DVD December 18th in the U.S.
A showcase theatrical run is also being planned for New York and Los Angeles October 5.
July 30, 2007
'The Maker' said:
Well, I agree with many that this movie has influenced cinema dramatically and every cyberpunk movie since. This movie as influenced my life in a profound way. I was throughly impressive by the movie and then I went back and dug up the book that it was based on , “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Philip K. Dick, and from there everything has just taken on a life of it’s own. Check this out to see for yourself!! http://illsheep.wordpress.com
August 8, 2007
Burn:Cycle said (pingback):
[…] for their CD-i CD interactive system, Burn:Cycle is a live-action interactive movie, a mash-up of Blade Runner and Johnny Menmonic, with some mini-games and puzzles thrown in. The movie/game follows Sol Cutter […]
November 1, 2007
Secret Samurai said:
We need a new BR for the 21st century. The visual design is starting to get a little dated (due to all the vapor-thin ripoffs in its wake, no doubt). I think it is time for a more direct adaptation of the book, perhaps a miniseries, with Deckard’s wife, set back in San Francisco (where it belongs). I know this is sacrilege, but I am just a post-post-modern guy, I guess (and a screenwriter to boot). That said, let me contradict my statements (in true post-modern fashion). I loathe CGI. One of the things I simply love about BR is the whole “chunky” visual representation of a “retrofitted” world. But let’s face it, the acting was generally bad (the director’s fault, Ridley definitely improved: see GLADIATOR, etc), the narration horrendous, the story hit and miss. Maybe Russell Crowe should play Deckard in Ridley Scott’s own re-envisioned remake! Now that is cyberpunk!
November 3, 2007
Brenda said:
to secret samurai- no Offense, really but the whole reason this movie rocks is because it “is”. You cannot ever really ever hope to remake it!!!!!! Fate is a one time deal- Rutger, Ridley, ford, Hannah and the others all came together in that one space of time and gave us this gift- leave it alone- it is what it is and can NEVER BE REMADE……bRENDA
Brenda said:
November 6, 2007
gw said:
For the Rutger Hauer fans: he DID play at least one more memorable lead role (apart from Hitcher and Wedlock) in a great SF flick that has absolutely nothing to do with Cyperpunk: “Salute of the Jugger” a.k.a. “The Blood of Heroes”, which is among my all-time favs for great athmosphere and gripping reality, albeit a bleak one. But make sure to get the R-rated uncut version (99 minutes).
Blade Runner isn’t Cyberpunk at all, strictly speaking. It has nothing to do with brain implants (in humans) and information superhighways. On the contrary, it is the strict distinction between natural humans and androids (fake humans) that makes “Blade Runners” necessary, and the movie is about whether it’s right to kill artificial beings that narrowly fail the test of humanity. (In the documentary “On the edge…”, the only member of the cast to realize this was Sean Young. Rutger Hauer compared the androids to “dishwashers”.) The fact that Harrison Ford’s character is NOT a hero is essential to the film: androids are in many ways superior, designed to be perfect. This is even more clear in the book, “Do androids dream of electric sheep?” (which also features the idea of “mood stimulators” for a bored and depressed humanity, as well as a form of telepathy through multi-medial religion - both didn’t fit into the movie’s plot). It’s a testimony to luck and creative magic that Blade Runner turned out to be what it is. For my part, I was never bothered that much by the voice-over and happy ending that were later removed. I was virtually hooked on the movie as a teen, because nothing else reflected my feelings of loneliness and alienation that well. The androids are the real heroes, of course - even if all but Rachel would fail the Voight-Kampff test.
The original cinematic version had voice-overs by Harrison Ford as Deckard, a “positive” ending in which Deckard and Rachel fly over a wilderness under bluer skies (made of spare material of Kubrick’s “2001″, I think) after the “unicorn” sequence where the Director’s Cut ends now (and thereby deflecting from the significance of that unicorn), plus extra “realistic” additions: Deckard has his head twisted 180 degrees by Pris, and some gruesome shots as Batty kills Tyrell and later drives a spike though his palm, which earned the movie its original “R” rating. This version is only (legally) available on VHS and a “Criterion” laserdisk edition. I’d say the Director’s Cut is slightly superior, but Blade Runner is one movie that belongs on the big screen to work its true magic. That opening scene with the flames reflected in (Baty’s? Leon’s? Holden’s?) blue eye is truely memorable a couple of meters tall.
gw said:
One small but significant addition: In the original cut, Deckards’ unicorn dream scene at the piano was missing. So the later unicorn reference meant, in the voice-over, only that “Gaff had been there and let her (Rachel) live. Four years, he thought. He was wrong …” So there was no hint that Deckard was anything but human, albeit emotionally blunted and depraved through his line of work.
November 8, 2007
Brenda said:
to GW:
No offense- really- but fan or not- Rutger had alot more to say about the androids than they were dishwashers… hence his continual support he gives for this film. To keep this short for you- he also said the androids ended up being more “human’ than Deckerd was…. among many other real observations. To take one comment out of context leaves your observation falling well short of what RUTGER really had to say…. read for yourself all of his comments, see more of his work before you dare to broach what he has or has not accomplished… in scifi or not is irrelevent- at least in the world of fakes this man stand well above the rest of the dishwashers that I see called actors out there today…….
January 2, 2008
Klaw said:
Rutger’s comment was joking around about Harrison’s performance, and he was in fact being very discrete in his criticism by deflecting it to be the “hero was F-ing a dishwasher”… which is not only a hilarious thing to say… does to some degree make Harrison’s position a bit more understandable. Deckard was a loser drunk with an animated sex doll for a girlfriend, hardly the hero he was used to. I don’t think GW was off base in using the quote in the way he did, although I disagree it IS cyberpunk. Cyberpunk doesn’t mean strictly cybernetics. And if the replicants… an “almost human” clone-grown genetic makeshift creature can have memories implanted… that technology would have been easy to transfer to humans themselves, certainly a cybernetics topic of interest.
January 3, 2008
Blade Runner Final Cut - The Same But Better! said (pingback):
[…] bruises removed, while leaving intact the glory that is Blade Runner. So if you’re already familiar with the movie, the Final Cut won’t be giving you a new story - it will be the same story, just incredibly […]
March 23, 2008
posthuman said:
Just a quick comment on whether Deckard is a replicant. I say a strong “no”, if he was artificial why did the other nexus-6 throw him about so easily in his fights with them? Batty played with him as a cat does a mouse and decides to let him go as he himself dies
November 16, 2008
Anonymous said:
Blade runner is the masterpiece film for the cyberpunk genre. This genre in itself feels like a reflection of where the world is today. Obscene corporate power, high technology, social fragmentation, a world without rules.
Roy the Replicant is probably the coolest character I’ve ever seen. I wish we could see more if him. Gaff is quite amazing too. Deckard is kind of a scum bag if you think about it. Just some thoughts. This website is superb!
November 17, 2008
Klaw said:
Indeed, the most cyberpunk part of the story is, the hero isn’t even the hero… he’s just a shlub that may not even be human. In any event, the technology and city and scenery completely dwarf him.
November 19, 2008
SFAM said:
Hi Klaw, I agree that the technology, city and scenery pretty much dominates everything. The only time perhaps it doesn’t is during Roy Batty’s speech.
December 16, 2008
Jason White said:
This film is fucking amazind. It has amazing futuristic technolgy and I had an orgasm and had to cum on my girlfriends face when watching it.
December 23, 2008
Anonymous said:
I feel the same way.
I just love the entire chase and execution of Zhora. Which is what I call it, EXECUTION! The sight and sounds of the crowded city at street level is orgasmic. The talking street signals: “cross now. cross now. cross now. and walk. and walk. and walk. and walk.” And then an ear piercing sirens echoing.
July 31, 2009
Xeran said:
Can’t wait for the day of robot girls to come true www.synthoids.com for more robot girls.
September 20, 2009
Skaarj said:
It can happen so… that you’ll see NOTHING in that movie. Nothing except great visuals.
Do I really care for someone being perlicant or not? Why SHOULD I? *Film* has no such plotline. It can be funny to discuss on forums, but forums are another thing.
What about plot? What about characters? No such things there. Pointless shooting.
What the hell? I don’t care about “father of jenre” and all that kind of staff. “Metropolis” is from goddamn 20s…
80s… the era of Alien, Robocop, Terminator, Predator and man, The New Hope is from 77…
“Art film” in it’s worst meaning.
March 13, 2010
Mamoul said:
Really Skaarj? You dont see a plot? Ever heard of the Noir genre? Ever heard of the old saying “one picture equals 1000 words” ? Or are you one of the guys that prefer a total exposition and a full explanation of what’s going on in the plot? You have to understand that Blade Runner provides a more profound meaning and conveys a strong message for the future of humanity. If you can’t cope with that then i can’t help ya any further.
March 15, 2010
Tekka said:
Skaarj you should be stuffed like a turkey and dragged through the streets for speaking such blasphemy.
Anonymous said:
SFAM, don’t think technology and the city completely dominate everything in Bladerunner. Several pieces of the film stand out on their own as dramatic character pieces. The Beginning scene where Holden is testing Leon and the scene where Bryant briefs Deckard have very high cool factors, and there is little city in both scenes. Also, the 2nd time Rachel & Deckard appear in the apartment beginning with creepy discomfort and ending in passionate sex. (great scene). And Roy Batty’s monologue of course. But yeah I see your point too.
April 10, 2010
Blade Runner Ultimate Collection DVD Series | Illsheep said (pingback):
[…] ‘92 Director’s Cut […]
June 9, 2010
ShadowGunner49 said:
This old grandpa is still considered(me included) to be not just the greatest cyberpunk movie of all time, but one of the greatest movies period. Awesome awesome awesome.
June 12, 2010
Stormtrooper of Death said:
I still find it strange, that Harrison Ford, told many people, that he hates Bladerunner, and finds Bladerunner to be one of his worst movies he ever played in…
Strange, because BladeRunner is totally awesome, and indeed a Cult movie, even for the next Generation of humans that is comming in the 21th century, when we are all long dead and forgotten….
August 2, 2010
Danzo said:
Eh, it’s an excellent movie (probably my favorite, along with Das Boot), and it’s intensely dystopic, but it isn’t cyberpunk. I can’t find a single computer in the entire thing, except for the one on the desk during Leon’s VK.
It was certainly a huge influence on the genre, but an actual example? Hardly. If Blade Runner is cyberpunk, so are 1984 and Metropolis.
August 11, 2010
Evan said:
I one of only 4 people I know who didn’t like this film. Its mostly Ridley Scott’s plot holes that bother me, and Ford can’t act, never could- but people love him. Anyway, I have reasons and I’m not just trying to troll.
September 10, 2010
Pat said:
Pfft. Ford cant act? You’re crazy. What are your reasons? And name who you think are some good actors, just so I can better figure out your opinion.
Brenda said:
RUTGER HAUER for one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh -Ford is now a “Movie Star” where acting is actually “optional”- name his last “hit”- really… be warned Hauer actually acts- it may not be mainstream but the man works his ass off doing what he wants to do- not just to get his name out there! Now do you see the difference?????Hopkins, Tommy lee jones, Morgan Freeman- need more….
October 21, 2010
Scorch said:
Haha, then you should really check the first role he ever played on the television. It’s a dutch serie for children called Floris. He plays a historical Count Floris the Fifth in the serie.
It was actually the first time I ever saw him. It’s a little part of Dutch history I think!:P
Brenda said:
I have seen almost everything MR Hauer has done and I have never been disappointed…. Acting seems to be optional nowadays- formulated and stale- Give me Rutger anyday- never boring or cookie cutter- ya just gotta love him…………
January 27, 2011
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January 31, 2011
JMM1233 said:
The Most Epic Cyberpunk Film Ever
June 15, 2012
ArmA5 said:
The quintessential cyberpunk film of all time. “More human than human.”