September 19, 2006
AMD: My Nomination for the Worst Use of the Matrix
In the Meatspace, ETM posted this unintentionally hilarious (mis)use of the Matrix. American Micro Devices, in an attempt to create an online exhibit hall (as if we all enjoy going to exhibits when they aren’t giving out cheesy trinkets) has exceeded their level of creative expertise in creating an “immersive” experience for differentiating AMD chips from Intel.
Unfortunately, to see this, you’ll have to visit AMD’s wiz-bang trinketless flash-enabled exhibition site. I say unfortunately because the thing takes forever to download. To get to the matrix video, you need to click on the AMD booth (circled in red in this picture) and then click on the top of the chip (where the arrow points). You will then be treated to some unintentional hilarity not to be missed!
The part of Morpheus is played by a not-so-mysterious dude named “Hector” who doesn’t speak english all that well, but at least he backs up his performance with truly horrid acting. I’m hoping they just took random dudes from their office to make this, ’cause if they paid for actors, DAMN!!!
Unfortunately, the Neo substitute has chosen the wrong color mint, so he gets teleported to an Intel environment, which as you can see, is akin to hell on earth! It’s just so HOT!!! And all the cables keep exploding on him!!!
After almost dying in um, the real world, or whatever the Intel environment is supposed to represent, Hector takes the Neo substitute to the clean matrix loading program, which just happens to be powered by AMD. It’s just so clean!!! Too bad its just a loading program and is not real, or are we not supposed to take that thought away from this Matrix analogy?
In any event, If there were ever an arguement to buy Intel, this is it!!! One has to wonder if its possible that the same people who made this are actually competent at making good computer chips. Worse, apparently AMD is so impressed with their exhibition site, they’ve taken the time to spam IT discussion boards to advertise it. Way to go AMD!!
September 19, 2006
Illusive Mind said:
I second this nomination, and await some wise-ass to nominate one of the sequels as the worst use of the matrix.
SteMcNay said:
What’s AMD, and is this a piss-take? I can’t be arsed to go on their website.
SFAM said:
AMD = American Micro Devices. They’re one of the two main microchip producers in the United States. And, um, a piss-take? I didn’t see an watersports in this video, but then again, I didn’t check out the rest of the links.
microchip said:
@ SFAM…. you mean Advanced Micro Devices
microchip said:
…btw Advanced Micro Devices is the offspring of Fairchild Semiconductor, forgot to add that
microchip said:
and AMD makes BETTER processors than Intel, in fact their x86-64 architecture has snapped an enormous amount of market share away from Intel as customers realized that Opteron based server systems are not only faster but also more power efficient than the Intel CPUs. Intel just slashed 10.000 jobs because it is losing market share to AMD so your statement about if AMD is capable of making good chips is completely false here !!!
September 20, 2006
SFAM said:
Hi Microchip, thanks for the correction on the name. I knew that didn’t sound right! But regarding the quality of the chips, my point was that anyone who sucks that bad at marketing opens themselves up to questions about the quality of their management. This is still a valid point whether or not AMD chips are better or worse. And truly, before seeing this insanely bad ad (and subsequent spamming campaigns), I had no negative feelings about AMD whatsoever.
Whether or not AMD is currently producing a better or worse product than Intel is something I leave up to others to research if they care about such issues. Call me naive, but somehow I just don’t think that computer rooms powered by intel chips bare any resemblance to the room in the AMD commercial.
microchip said:
Well its always been a cat and mouse game between Intel and AMD. But the Matrix HAS to run on AMD chips because of it green color which is also the color of AMD… LOL…. If it had run on Intel chips it had to be blue
….and now that we are talking about hardware, I just watched the movie Hardware and IT BLOW ME AWAY
It is on my top favorites list along with Nemesis, The Matrix Trilogy and Nirvana 
ETM said:
As I said on the forums - they did hide it. :p
It sucks, but that doesn’t mean AMD doesn’t rule. I own two AMD based computers and have had nothing but bad experiences with any Intel machine I worked with, so…
September 22, 2006
SteMcNay said:
SFAM, tell me you guys in the States take the piss? lol, I had no idea who AMD was, being from across the pond.
November 15, 2006
Falacious said:
That’s just terrible. I like their procesors, but that isn’t very good. I think the morpheus actor that’s the president of the company.
November 16, 2006
ETM said:
Indeed he was - Hector Ruiz. But he is no longer president as the article above states.